Bankruptcy Bill’s celebrity bankruptcy lawyer list

You can find various lists of celebrities who filed for bankruptcy if you search around the internet.

But the folks at Bankruptcy Bill have put together something a little different:  a list of the bankruptcy lawyers who represent those celebrities.

None of the bankruptcy lawyers are based in Las Vegas.  But of course many of the celebrities have Las Vegas ties, including Donald Trump and Mike Tyson among others.

What a post like this reminds all of us is that financial struggles can affect all kinds of people, rich and poor, and even celebrities.

The important thing is that the bankruptcy laws do exist and are available to help all Americans get a second chance and a clean slate in our capitalist economic system.

For more Chapter 7 help in Las Vegas, Chapter 13 help in Las Vegas or bankruptcy information in Las Vegas, please contact us for a free initial consultation.

Freedom Law Firm attorneys know it’s tough out there and have the experience and wisdom to deal with the unique kinds of financial problems that this recession keeps dealing to our Las Vegas community.

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