Bankruptcy Rate Falls During 2011
Fewer personal bankruptcy cases were filed during 2011 according to a report by the National Bankruptcy Research Center. In 2011 about 1.3 million consumer bankruptcy cases were filed throughout the United States, or about one out of every 175 Americans. That is a decrease from 2010 when slightly less than 1.5 million cases were filed, or one out of 150 Americans, filed bankruptcy.
Chapter 13 filings fell 8 percent from 2010 totals, and Chapter 7 filings dropped 13 percent. 2011 marked the first time the number of personal bankruptcy cases had fallen since 2006. Nevada remains at the top spot for the nation’s highest per capita filing rate at 8.98 bankruptcy cases per 1,000 residents. That is a drop from Nevada’s 11.1 filing rate in 2010.
“The decline in total filings reflects the retrenchment in consumer spending associated with a down U.S. economy,” said American Bankruptcy Institute Executive Director Samuel J. Gerdano. “As consumers continue to deleverage their debt and access to credit remains tight, bankruptcy filings will continue to decrease.” The American Bankruptcy Institute is the largest multi-disciplinary, nonpartisan organization dedicated to research and education on matters related to insolvency.
While national bankruptcy statistics may be interesting, your financial situation is not a statistic. Your case is unique and deserves a skilled attorney committed to guide you through the maze of the federal bankruptcy laws. You may need a Chapter 7 “straight bankruptcy” that can discharge unsecured debts and get you quickly back on the road to recovery. Or your situation may require a Chapter 13 repayment plan to save your family home and right your sinking financial ship.
If you are struggling with debts you cannot pay, speak with an experienced bankruptcy attorney and discover how the federal bankruptcy laws can help you. Each year over a million people chose bankruptcy relief because it works! Bankruptcy can eliminate your debt burden and put you on the path to a fresh financial start. For a free Las Vegas bankruptcy consultation, call the offices of Freedom Law Firm at 702-602-9886.