We understand that dealing with bankruptcy, foreclosures, short sales, loan adjustments, or aggressive creditors can be scary. Don’t fret, there are many possible solutions thanks to the law. At Freedom Law Firm, our Clark County foreclosure & creditor harassment lawyers will take you through each process, whatever you need.
Bankruptcy Debt Relief in Clark County
In terms of debt relief, we have extensive expertise with both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy empowers you to erase most consumer debts such as personal loans, medical bills, and more. Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves making zero-interest repayments on your obligations that you can finish paying off over three to five years.
Creditor Cell Phone Abuse Relief in Clark County
A debt collector phoning you repeatedly or persistently is considered harassment and is illegal. Our FDCPA attorneys have successfully resolved numerous cases just like yours. When we win your case, you won’t be charged anything since the debt collectors will be liable for paying our attorney fees.
Save Your Home in Clark County
Our expertise in short sales, loan modifications, and foreclosure arbitration can help you keep your house. If you feel like you’re always behind on your mortgage payments and are fearful of losing your property to foreclosure, loan modification is an excellent non-bankruptcy solution for homeowners that we can assist you with.
Why Choose Freedom Law Firm in Clark County?
At Freedom Law Firm, we will handle all procedures on your behalf and ensure that you are completely assured at every step of the journey. We take pride in handling all facets of consumer law quickly and efficiently. Importantly, we stay ahead of the ever-evolving bankruptcy landscape so we’re constantly up-to-date on the newest legal developments and can provide you with the advantage of our expertise.
To find out more about our foreclosure & creditor harassment lawyers in Clark County, call us at 702-880-5554 or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation.