Can I Buy a Car While in a Las Vegas Bankruptcy?

There are a surprising number of options for Nevada debtors to retain possession of vehicles during bankruptcy. Choosing the best option depends on several factors including your ability to pay and the condition of your vehicle. In some cases the best financial option is to surrender your vehicle back to the bank and purchase a different one.

Years ago it was unheard of for a debtor in an active bankruptcy to obtain an auto loan. Several years ago two companies, 722 Redemption Funding, and Fresh Start Loan Corporation, began making auto loans to debtors in bankruptcy, and now many banks have lending programs for debtors. The attitude towards bankruptcy has changed and many debtors are evaluated more on their future ability to pay the loan rather than their past financial trouble.

Obtaining an auto loan during bankruptcy is a matter of showing stable income, a good debt-to-income ratio, and some assurance that your current financial trouble is unusual and not likely to reoccur. All lenders require a loan application and the criteria for approval can vary significantly. Some lenders will not approve a loan if you have had a prior repossession. Other lenders want a substantial down payment. New auto loans often want the bankruptcy discharged before approving the loan. In all cases your vehicle choice will be restricted to a newer vehicle with low miles.

During a Chapter 7 bankruptcy the debtor and the lender are free to negotiate terms outside of the bankruptcy case. The loan is not a part of the case and is not affected by the bankruptcy discharge. For Chapter 13 debtors, any new indebtedness must be approved by the trustee and the court. In most cases the Chapter 13 debtor can obtain approval after a showing of need and ability to pay.

If you are considering bankruptcy and need to buy a different vehicle, consult with an experienced attorney at Freedom Law Firm. There are many different options for Nevada debtors during bankruptcy for retaining, refinancing, or purchasing a different vehicle.

Contact Las Vegas Bankruptcy Attorneys Freedom Law Firm today for a free consultation at 702-903-1398.

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