Florida attempts to follow in Nevada’s “Foreclosure Mediation” footsteps
Florida’s Supreme Court just recently issued an order implementing a “foreclosure mediation” program very similar to the Nevada Foreclosure Mediation Program.
Just like the Nevada Foreclosure Mediation Program, Florida’s new program will give homeowners facing foreclosure the option to require their mortgage lender to participate in a foreclosure mediation session. And similar to Nevada, Florida will provide neutral 3rd-party foreclosure mediators who will assist with the negotiation.
Unlike Nevada, Florida only has a handful of foreclosure mediators ready to go (though that number should begin to increase). Nevada, on the other hand, recently swore in another 75 foreclosure mediators for a total of 155 foreclosure mediators.
Both Nevada and Florida have consistently been at the top of foreclosure statistics nationwide. And both are attempting to deal with a backlog of foreclosures on their dockets.
But perhaps most importantly is the fact that other states are clearly looking to emulate the model that Nevada has established. American homeowners are suffering. And in the absence of action on a national level (e.g., Congress’ failure to pass the Mortgage Cram Down legislation), it’s been left to the states to try and devise solutions that actually help people.
If you’re a Las Vegas resident seeking real help from good bankruptcy attorneys in Las Vegas who have extensive experience with foreclosure mediation, please contact us for a free foreclosure consultation.
We’ll make sure you get the full benefit and protections afforded to you under the bankruptcy laws as well as the strongest foreclosure mediation program in the U.S.
Click here to see previous Freedom Law Firm blog posts about the Nevada Foreclosure Mediation Program.