How do I choose a good Las Vegas bankruptcy lawyer?
Posted By Freedom Law Firm On November 18, 2010 | Last Modified: November 18, 2010
You’re considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Las Vegas, but you’re not sure how to choose a good bankruptcy lawyer. Everyone seems knowledgeable and confident. How do you distinguish one bankruptcy lawyer from another?
Here are 4 things you should look for in a good Las Vegas bankruptcy lawyer or law firm:
1. Tries to identify problems with your case. A good bankruptcy lawyer will ask relevant questions about your case and try to figure out where the trouble spots are. They’re not doing this to make you feel bad. Rather, they need to know where any potential holes in your case might be so they can plan an appropriate bankruptcy strategy for you. If your lawyer isn’t asking enough questions to get at this information, then they might not be the best lawyer for you.
2. Has been practicing bankruptcy law since before 2005. A new bankruptcy law went into effect in 2005 and has evolved a fair amount since then. A good bankruptcy lawyer or law firm will be intimately familiar with the current version of the bankruptcy laws. In contrast, a general practitioner or an attorney who recently decided to get into bankruptcy law may not be as knowledgeable, experienced or effective.
3. Focus on exemptions. A good bankruptcy lawyer should help you figure out all of the exemptions available to you. Exemptions are the assets and funds that are exempt fro creditors even when you file for bankruptcy. A big part of a bankruptcy lawyer’s value is his or her ability to understand your situation and strategically identify and organize your exemptions so that you get to keep everything you’re entitled to keep and come out of bankruptcy in a stronger financial position.
4. Go with your gut. You are putting a great deal of trust in your bankruptcy lawyer. You will be relying on your lawyer to guide you through a difficult and complicated process. You need someone you trust and feel comfortable with. At the end of the day, you know what that means to you. So look for signs of honesty and also for red flags. If you get a funny feeling, don’t work with the lawyer. And if you have a sense that he or she is a good person, then value that.
If you’re having debt collector problems, or you have questions about what’s legal and what’s not, please feel free to contact an experienced Freedom Law Firm attorney at 702-903-1354 for a free initial consultation.